
Friday, 17 October 2014

Putri Revida : Kepercayaan ibarat sebuah kertas….

Kepercayaan ibarat sebuah kertas….
Sekali kau meremasnya, tidak akan pernah bisa kembali sempurna….
Maka dari itu, ketika km di berikan sebuah kepercayaan oleh orang.
Jangan pernah menyia-nyiakan sebuah kepercayaan itu.
Sekali kau membuat kepercayaan itu pudar, ia tidak akan bisa kembali lagi ke seperti semula.
Seperti kertas halus yang di remas

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Revida Putri : Solusi Ampuh Menyembuhkan Rasa Sakit Akibat Dikhianati

” Saya Diam bukan berarti Diam “
mending jujur walau menyakitkan daripada sembunyi sembunyi tapi ketahuan
” I can see you in the dark Place even the light on the whole world is off “

“Everyone suffers at least one bad betrayal in their lifetime. It’s what unites us. The trick is not to let it destroy your trust in others when that happens. Don’t let them take that from you.” ― Sherrilyn Kenyon, Invincible
Dilansir dari, meskipun memaafkan orang yang baru mengkhianati kita itu bukan perkara mudah tapi kita harus bisa mencari cara untuk menghilangkan perasaan negatif. Apa tujuannya? Tujuannya adalah agar kita bisa lebih mengembangkan emosi dan menjadi orang yang dewasa serta bijak di kemudian hari. Untuk sembuh dari rasa sakit akibat dikhianati, Anda bisa menggunakan empat cara ini.
  • Terima Emosi Anda

    Perasaan dikhianati bisa memunculkan berbagai macam emosi negatif. Ada rasa bingung, marah, sedih, dan muak. Semuanya berkumpul jadi satu. Tapi semakin Anda menolak semua emosi itu, bisa jadi emosi itu semakin mengkungkung Anda. Terima dan hadapi perasaan negatif tersebut. Dengan demikian, Anda bisa punya ruang untuk mencari akar masalah dan segera mencari solusinya. Setidaknya Anda sudah bisa lebih tahu dan sadar mana orang yang bisa Anda percaya dan mana yang tidak.
  • Sampaikan Rasa Sakit Anda

    Jika Anda tak mau dianggap kalah, sampaikan rasa sakit dan kekecewaan Anda terhadap orang yang mengkhianati Anda. Anda hanya perlu memaparkan betapa sakitnya perasaan Anda ketika dikhianati. Namun jangan sampai Anda terbawa emosi dan malah membuat suasana semakin keruh. Anda cukup menjelaskan bahwa Anda sudah tak bisa lagi mempercayai orang yang mengkhianati Anda. Buat orang tersebut merasa bertanggung jawab atas tindakan yang ia lakukan kepada Anda.
  • Lakukan Hal-Hal yang Anda Sukai

    Ubahlah rasa sakit dan emosi negatif Anda dengan emosi dan hal-hal positif. Alihkan perhatian Anda dari hal-hal negatif ke ha-hal yang lebih positif. Saatnya untuk membuka jalan baru yang lebih optimis ke depan. Saatnya untuk membuktikan bahwa Anda bukanlah orang yang lemah. Anda bisa tetap menjadi seseorang yang bahagia dan mendapatkan kehidupan yang Anda inginkan meskipun Anda baru saja dilukai oleh orang terdekat Anda.
  • Belajar untuk Memaafkan

    It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend (William Blake)”. Yang membuat sebuah pengkhianatan terasa begitu menyakitkan adalah karena kita biasanya harus berhadapan dan berhubungan langsung dengan orang yang sangat dekat dengan kita. Dilukai oleh orang terdekat rasanya jauh lebih menyakitkan daripada dilukai oleh musuh. Tetapi Anda perlu belajar untuk memaafkan. Toh, tak ada gunanya juga memendam emosi negatif dalam diri Anda sendiri. Justru dengan memaafkan, Anda akan menjadi seseorang yang lebih kuat lagi.
Untuk sembuh dari rasa sakit dan terluka akibat dikhianati, Anda perlu memiliki tekad yang kuat untuk kembali melanjutkan hidup. Masa lalu pun tak akan bisa diulang atau diperbaiki, kecuali jika Anda terus optimis untuk melangkah ke depan untuk kehidupan Anda yang lebih baik.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Lick it! This new WTF app lets men practise oral sex by licking their phone screen. Seriously.

Straight out of the crazy files comes Lick It, a new app designed to help your guy become a pro at, er, going down on you. For realz.
The app offers various movements that promise to strengthen his tongue – get this – bylicking his phone screen.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Solusisex : The Vitamin You Need So Your Penis Can Perform

Lacking enough of the sunshine vitamin might snuff out the lights on your bedroom game.  New research from Italy suggests that low levels of vitamin D may increase your risk of erectile dysfunction.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

10 underrated sex moves to bring back to the bedroom!

10 underrated sex moves to bring back to the bedroom!

10 underrated sex moves to bring back to the bedroom!


10 underrated sex moves to bring back to the bedroom!

OK we get it, when you think of those wild OMG sex moments, kissing and holding hands might not jump straight into your head.

But sometimes the best things in life really are the simplest and while we're constantly on the search for a new thrill in bed, we tend to forget those tried and trusted turn-ons.

Of course it's never a bad idea to get experimental - working through theKama Sutra or trying out some Anastasia Steele approved moves can be a lot of fun - but there's no need to dismiss these classic sex moves.

Trust us - going back to bedroom basics is just what you need to spice up your sex life.

Solusisex : Reasons Why Having The Same Partner Forever Does Wonders For Your Sex Life

In a recent interview with InStyle magazine, Cameron Diaz voiced her thoughts on monogamy. "I don’t know if anyone is really naturally monogamous. We all have the same instincts as animals. But we live in a society where it’s been ingrained in us to do these things,” she says.

Her words merely echo a society that doesn't always fully embrace the idea of committed relationshipsand monogamy. Social media alone makes it 100x harder to avoid temptation and accusations of infidelity. Let's not even discuss 'the bit on the side' who use these platforms to glorify their homewrecking status and those cheating guys that get exposed as a result. Ugh, the worst!

With everything considered, it's no wonder monogamy isn't exactly seen as the 'coolest' thing in our culture. However, we want you to know that being with one person for the rest of your life actually has its fair share of perks.

Don't believe us? Oh, you will...

1. The risk of STIs is decreased

According to the CDC, "A reliable way to avoid transmission of STIs is to abstain from oral, vaginal, andanal sex or to be in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner."

The key words to keep in mind: "mutually monogamous". Even after you two have sworn to nix other partners, make sure you BOTH get tested on a regular basis. It can never hurt to receive a clean bill of health.

2. Condoms aren't as important

Yes, sex does feel better without them! We admit it. But before you get too carried away, don't forget everything we said above. It's also important to take other measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies. While we're all for pleasure, we like it to be done responsibly.

3. You'll never have to do the walk of shame again

We're cringing remembering mornings we'd creep into the house making sure no one saw us in yesterday's clothes. Yes, we've been bad, very bad... But it doesn't mean we want everyone to know it!

4. You can get as nasty as you very well please... every single time

Even the good girls like to get down and dirty from time to time. Now imagine being granted the liberty to get as filthy as your little heart desires every time you hit the sack. The freedom to let it all hang out is unmatched when in a committed relationship. Trust us. So by all means, let that inner sex pot run wild!

5. You'll master each other's body

This is one of the best things. There will be no more guessing what gets him off and vice versa. When you've been together for years, you'll come to know the exact coordinates of his most sensitive erogenous zones. No map or GPS necessary. Now go on, explore and conquer.

6. You can show him your 'O' face

Yes you have one. EVERYONE has one. That's when you know the orgasm was earth-shattering good. The type that made you curl up and cry because you couldn't believe how good it was. You know, the kind that was so intense you booked a session with your therapist right after.

With a lifelong partner, you won't have to be afraid to let out your inner gremlin when reaching the big O. Why? Because he's obligated to love you unconditionally anyway. Yup, gremlin hybrid and all.

7. You can experiment with no judgment

Now's the time to try all those weird and dirty fetishes you've been dreaming of. You'll be together forever, so why not? Bedroom behaviour will never grow stale once you both toss inhibition to the wind and live out your wildest fantasies. You'll be on that roller coaster together, so you're pretty much exempt from judgement.

8. You don't have to worry about awkward one night stands

One of the best perks of being in a committed relationship is never having to worry about those awkward one night stands ever again. The thought of waking up in the morning and having him see the REAL you, then running for the hills? We get chills at the thought. After being with your lover for years, they'll literally see and smell (hello, morning breath!) you at your worst. A one night stand just wouldn't understand, nor would you want him to.

9. Say bye bye to dry spells

There will be no more nights at home alone cuddling next to a glass of wine and your fave sex toy. You'll have a living, breathing, caressing person to take care of all your needs. It's truly one of the greatest joys of being in a relationship. You can finally kiss those booty calls goodbye.

10. The emotional aspect makes sex hotter

We women are emotional beings, so it's pretty much obvious we'd enjoy sex a lot more with someone we deeply care about. It truly takes it to another level when we know our man shares the love. Being able to have that for the rest of our lives? Bliss.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Top 40 sex positions - 1

Silent Night

If things are getting a little slow in the bedroom, or you fancy a bit of fun outside the bedroom, then you've come to the right place. There are plenty of sex positions to choose from, but to narrow it down, we've put together a gallery of your favourite sex positions - the most popular sex positions on the site.

Trying new positions isn't just for that exciting honeymoon period - rekindle the spark with your long-term partner by trying something new in 2014.

Spice things up with a 'sultry saddle' one night and perhaps a 'spider' the next!
Try our sex positions on the floor, standing up, on a chair, or in the traditional comfort of your own bed - we're bound to have one that suits you. Try the lot, or see how many you can do in a night!

We've got some great pictures, so you can get an idea of what you're supposed to be doing and a full explanation of how to tackle each sex position with a difficulty rating and fun rating so you know exactly what you're getting into - just click through to a more in depth article if you want more info on any position.

Work your way through the gallery until you get to number one - the most popular of all our sex positions as voted for by you. That one must be pretty close to guaranteed satisfaction, then!

Have fun, try new things and most importantly - enjoy yourself!

A study has found that getting busy in the sack is just as good as your daily fitness sesh!

Here’s a difficult question for you: would you rather chuck on your joggers and head out to exercise, or stay in bed with your BF and have passionate sex? It’s a no brainer, right? And you’re probably wondering why we’d even ask such an obvious question, but we promise there’s a method to our madness.

oral sex tips you need to know

FOR HIM: Oral sex is often considered as part of the ‘lead-up’ to the main round, but encourage him to think of it as an act that deserves its own foreplay. Kissing, touching and arousing each other before he ducks beneath the sheets will give you time to warm up to his level.
FOR YOU: Be vocal about what you want, and encourage him to do the same. Before you go down on him, tell him you want his feedback throughout – what feels good, what doesn’t, when to speed up or apply more pressure. It’ll encourage an open dialogue between you both when it’s his turn.
DIY sex toys: the stuff you've got around the house that's guaranteed to spice things up.
FOR HIM: Give him better access to your G-spot by propping a pillow under your bum (when you’re lying on your back).
FOR YOU: Receiving oral sex should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for you, but that doesn’t mean you should make him do all the work. Gently roll your hips to grind against his mouth or hold the back of his head when you want him to apply pressure (without smothering him, obvs).
FOR HIM: Remind your guy of what’s waiting for him when he finishes down there – caress your body so that he can see you enjoying yourself when he looks up, or grab one of his hands and have him play with your breasts.
FOR YOU: Fake the sensation of deep-throating him by putting his penis underneath your tongue, rather than on top of it. No gagging, guaranteed.
FOR HIM: Ask him to mix things up down there by alternating pressure and suction. The experience of oral sex is different for men and women, so he’ll need some guidance about when to take it slow and when to work overtime. Talking about what you enjoy and don’t enjoy before or after sex will give you a better understanding of your partner’s needs.
Add these libido-boosting foods to your diet and stand-by for mind-blowing sex in 3, 2, 1...
FOR YOU: The hole in the tip of his penis (it’s called the meatus) has amazing, and untapped, potential during oral sex. Apply gentle pressure to it while working the shaft, and build up to a medium pressure. He’ll love the unexpected sensation.
FOR HIM: Increase your pleasure by getting him to slip a finger inside you while he’s down there, or embrace your kinkier side by getting him to use a vibrator on you while he stimulates your clitoris with his tongue.
FOR YOU: You might feel like it’s an unflattering angle, but trust us – he wants your lady parts all up in his face. Straddle his head and lean forward against the wall while he pleasures you lying on his back. It’s a perfect position if you want to have more control during the act.

How does sleep affect your sex life?

man snoring and keeping wife awake

Sleep and sex

We’ve all used the “too tired” excuse in the bedroom at least once. In fact, 33 percent of women and one in four live-in couples in the U.S. frequently report being too tired for sex. There is good news, though

Revida Putri : Sexual health resolutions: Start a bedroom bucket list!

It’s that time of the year to reflect on what’s lacking in our lives and how to improve it. We should not limit our resolutions to simply losing weight or reducing stress. Resolutions are a way to focus on improving life, feeling better and putting more focus on self-care. What about sexual health?

Revida Putri : Study says sex and booze make people happier than kids

Couple having sex in tub

Sex and booze, please

The study by postgraduate psychology researcher Carsten Grimm from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand found people rate sex as the top activity that brings them happiness, followed by drinking alcohol or "partying.” Childcare ranked fifth on the list — sorry kids!

How it went down

Researchers at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand conducted the study using an interesting method to collect data on what people did during an average day and how they felt about each activity: via text messaging. Grimm had the survey participants rank 30 activities (from child rearing to video games) on three criteria: whether it brought them pleasure, how engaged they were when doing the activity and if it brought them overall happiness. Shockingly, having sex took first place in all categories. Go figure!

What does it all mean?

It’s not shocking that sex made the number one spot on a study about what makes people happy. It is, after all a pleasurable experience. Booze we can also understand. While you definitely don’t need it to have a good time, and too much is never a good thing, people enjoy their cocktails (and beer and wine). Booze is a social lubricant and (in moderation) makes people feel less stressed out and more likely to focus on having a good time (not the presentation they have to do next week).

What else made the list?

When it comes to happiness, there were a few other things that contributed to a positive outlook aside from a roll in the hay and an expertly mixed cocktail. We know childcare and playing with children ranked fifth out of 10, but what else made the list? Volunteering and caregiving came third, meditating and religious activities came fourth, listening to music or podcasts came sixth and socializing came in at number seven.

Revida Putri : Orgasm basics

Bashful woman
There are many physical and mental health benefits of orgasm that make it one of the best kept secrets around, and there are multiple orgasm (no pun intended) types that are not as well known.

Solusisex : Treat yourself: High-end vibrators

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